Hi my name is Jan. Welcome to my home. I'm pretty much of an amateur at this blogging thing, but I'm learning. I stay pretty busy working a full-time job, but in my spare time I enjoy papercrafting, reading, cooking and spending time with my family. So, you'll see a little variety on here from time to time. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I think it's fixed now

For some reason, while using the computer at work and making adjustments to my photobucket photo album, the picture looked huge and only 1/2 of it showed. But when I logged in on my home computer, the album on my blog looks normal.


Anyways, those are some of the pictures from our vacation, Jacob's going away to bootcamp picnic, and the day he left for bootcamp.


Traci G said...

Love your pics!!

BarbK said...

You have some marvellous pics. It could be your work computer has different settings, ie. 1080 x 720, than home.

Jan you've been tagged on my blog. You can check it out here:

No pressure, play if you wish, but it's kinda fun.