Hi my name is Jan. Welcome to my home. I'm pretty much of an amateur at this blogging thing, but I'm learning. I stay pretty busy working a full-time job, but in my spare time I enjoy papercrafting, reading, cooking and spending time with my family. So, you'll see a little variety on here from time to time. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I've been way tooooo busy to post anything

I can hardly keep up with "life"....blogging comes like 5th place to everything else.

What's new? My oldest son (20) arrived at Camp Pendleton in CA on Jan. 30, my middle son (19) has been at his job long enough now to get on their insurance (woo hoo!) and my youngest son (13) seems to have grown taller than me in the last 24 baby! I'm still looking for a full time job so I don't have to work weekends. I'm still crafting but I'm terrible at taking pictures of my cards and loading them up on the computer.

Things must slow down soon :)