On Saturday, January 3rd, our family (and my oldest two sons' girlfriends) left at 7am and drove to Jacksonville, North Carolina to take Jacob back to Camp Geiger. It really doesn't get any easier saying goodbye to him. He'll be there through the rest of January. He's trying to get into light armored truck school which is a 5-week course in California. Not sure when he'll find out about that yet. We didn't get back home until 8:30pm Saturday night....long day.
Our family has been battling the cold crud -- I had a touch, but took Zicam and it didn't last too long. Perry has a nasty cold, and Justin went to the doctor yesterday. He has bronchitis, an ear infection and sinus infection. Jacob had a slight cold. Jordan, knock on wood, is the only one who hasn't gotten it.
I decided not to make any New Year's Resolutions this year. I made several last year, and after February I forgot all about them. Also, I really don't like that word "resolution". Instead, I decided I would set some goals for myself, and write them down on my calendar. Some of the things I plan to work on are: (1) creating a craft space in my home instead of using the kitchen table; (2) eating more healthy which means staying away from junk & fast food, and also planning healthier meals for my family; (3) Getting rid of clutter in my home. (Now, this will take some serious planning on my calendar - te he); (4) completing at least 1 whole scrapbook in 2009; and last but not least (5) studying my Bible more (after all, the Bible says "study to shew thyself approved--a workman who needeth not to be ashamed.")
Life is passing by too quickly, and I find that the things that I used to think were important really aren't so much anymore. With my children practically grown up (well the older two are), I'm finding that I really need to focus more on scrapbooking. After all, pictures are our memories. How many times have you forgotten about a certain event, but when you see a photograph it brings back the memories? So, I hope to really get a lot of scrapbooking accomplished in 2009.
I hope that your new year will be blessed.