Hi my name is Jan. Welcome to my home. I'm pretty much of an amateur at this blogging thing, but I'm learning. I stay pretty busy working a full-time job, but in my spare time I enjoy papercrafting, reading, cooking and spending time with my family. So, you'll see a little variety on here from time to time. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Yes I really do live in a log cabin...

and as soon as I can get the bugs worked out with my digital camera, I'll be uploading some pictures. I got a new digital for Christmas this past year, and I'm STILL trying to figure it all out. Uploading pictures from the camera to my computer is the just isn't cooperating and I'm losing my patience. They say patience is a virtue.....hmmm. I looked up the definition of virtue and here's what it said: a commendable quality or trait; an order of angels as within a celestial hierarchy; chastity...esp. in a woman. Can I live up to all of that?? I'll do my best. I mean....who doesn't want to be compared to an Angel for goodness sakes?


christie said...

Lookin good!!!!

Jennifer E. said...

Jan your new blog is shaping up nicely! I didn't know you lived in a log cabin! I'll be waiting to see those pictures!

Mary said...

Welcome to BLOG LAND!


Unknown said...

Its looking really nice here!! Congrats on starting your blog! And can't wait to see pics of your log cabin home....when your technology decides to cooperate. :> TiikkiStars

ellie said...

Your blog looks great! I cant wait to see the cabin...that would be my dream house!